Why go Beyond Resolutions?
In the late summer of 2017, I attended Baptiste Yoga Level 3 training. While there were many incredible learnings and takeaways from the weeklong 100-hour Teacher Training immersion, the most impactful thing for me was goal-setting/vision board exercise that I brought home and turned into 502 Power Yoga’s “Beyond Resolutions” program.
I can’t give away the work of the program, nor can I share what created during my workshop (I’ll share at the workshop!), but what I can share is how I can look at it over a year later and see so many things in my life that I created for myself as a result of this workshop. Here are three major ones for starters:
1. Art
Through this workshop, it became clear to me that painting was missing from my routine even though I always envisioned art-making as being a key part of my life. As a result of that activity, I committed to making more art, and my life feels more enriched as a result.
2. Adventure
My vision included backpacking with my now-husband, and just a few months ago we backpacked the 40-mile Teton Crest Trail (and eloped while we were out there, to boot!).
3. Home
I had set my sights on purchasing a home in the Highlands neighborhood in Louisville, and as I write this, I am surrounded by boxes in my new Highlands home, overlooking the backyard that my girls will grow up playing in.
This work has made such an impact on me in such a short time that I am passionate about helping others pinpoint what’s missing (or in the way) so they can begin to create the life that they envision. The workshop I’ve created, Beyond Resolutions, is a non-physical, casual, goal-setting workshop that will help you get clear on the shifts you could make in the New Year to get you closer to your envisioned future. I invite you to join me and get clear on what you want your life to look like.
This workshop will not include physical asana practice; only journaling and meditation.
2 Hours CEU’s available for Yoga Instructors.
Our next offering of this program will be held Virtually on New Years Day 2020 from 10AM–12PM.
COST: $20 (member discounts apply)
Author Cat Scott Crawford is a Certified Baptiste Instructor and is the owner of 502 Power Yoga.
I’m so proud of you.