Why go Beyond Resolutions?

In the late summer of 2017, I attended Baptiste Yoga Level 3 training. While there were many incredible learnings and takeaways from the weeklong 100-hour Teacher Training immersion, the most impactful thing for me was goal-setting/vision board exercise that I brought home and turned into 502 Power Yoga’s “Beyond Resolutions” program.

I can’t give away the work of the program, nor can I share what created during my workshop (I’ll share at the workshop!), but what I can share is how I can look at it over a year later and see so many things in my life that I created for myself as a result of this workshop. Here are three major ones for starters:


1. Art

A massive painting from the Tetons that I started a few months ago… my vision for 2019 will be to carve out time to work on it (and other paintings!)

Through this workshop, it became clear to me that painting was missing from my routine even though I always envisioned art-making as being a key part of my life. As a result of that activity, I committed to making more art, and my life feels more enriched as a result.

2. Adventure

Cat with husband, Patrick, at the top of Paintbrush Divide on the Teton Crest Trail, August 2018

Cat with husband, Patrick, at the top of Paintbrush Divide on the Teton Crest Trail, August 2018

My vision included backpacking with my now-husband, and just a few months ago we backpacked the 40-mile Teton Crest Trail (and eloped while we were out there, to boot!).

3. Home

Proud of our Highlands home

I had set my sights on purchasing a home in the Highlands neighborhood in Louisville, and as I write this, I am surrounded by boxes in my new Highlands home, overlooking the backyard that my girls will grow up playing in.


This work has made such an impact on me in such a short time that I am passionate about helping others pinpoint what’s missing (or in the way) so they can begin to create the life that they envision. The workshop I’ve created, Beyond Resolutions, is a non-physical, casual, goal-setting workshop that will help you get clear on the shifts you could make in the New Year to get you closer to your envisioned future. I invite you to join me and get clear on what you want your life to look like.

This workshop will not include physical asana practice; only journaling and meditation.
2 Hours CEU’s available for Yoga Instructors.

Our next offering of this program will be held Virtually on New Years Day 2020 from 10AM–12PM.

COST: $20 (member discounts apply)

Sign up

Author Cat Scott Crawford is a Certified Baptiste Instructor and is the owner of 502 Power Yoga.